The Summer Camp 2014 in Arfoud has started! Barcelona -> Fes -> Arfoud

As I had announced in my previous post, on the 8th of August started the Summer Camp 2014 – a unique project directed to the kids from the rural zone of Arfoud city, located in the southern Morocco. I will be a director of the second week of the Camp, coordinating the work of 10 volunteers. The main goal of this initiative is to create an opportunity for a multicultural exchange between international volunteers and local community members, promoting friendliness, solidarity and teamwork in the educational process of boys and girls, addressing issues such as hygiene, sociability, coexistence, education, etc.

cartel casal 2014-eng

We arrived at the end of the first week of the Camp to coordinate it’s second part. If you are interested in activities and events from the past days, please visit ITRAN’s Facebook fanpage. You will find a lot of photos and detailed reports of each day.

Our first day we spent mostly travelling as we had to make a trip from Barcelona to Fes and then to Arfoud. The whole trip took us incredible 12 hrs only (last time I traveled for 2 days, hehe). The last 450km we made by taxi run by a friend of ITRAN, Said. No air-condition and back window. Broken front lamps. 46 degrees inside. Seats covered with blanket so your ass sweats like in sauna. Lots of fun 🙂


Our taxi


450km down to the Sahara, 7 hours through the plains, Atlas mountains, and desert

2014-08-15 15.37.33

an oldschool inside of our taxi


Some alternative ways of travelling – in this heat quite justified (the goats were protected from the sun as they traveled inside the ventilated but covered part of the truck)


I wish that I could fly Into the sky So very high Just like a dragonfly…


Amazing view for a Ziz’s riverbed and it’s surroundings


Ziz river’s surroundings

As Sahid didn’t speak Spanish or English, we were communicating with our basic Arabic. I tried on him my favorite golden phrase that made laugh a few drivers already 😉 Who at the end wouldn’t like to hear that his “car is beautiful”… < click on the photo below to see the movie 🙂 >


Practicing my Arabic

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